Together we weave the sacred tapestry of our beings, our communities, and our world.


Awamayu co-creates experiences that cultivate authentic connections between conscious individuals and the people, culture, and land of the Andes. We practice living in Ayni—sacred reciprocity and right relationship—with the land that sustains us, with each other, and with our Quechua brothers and sisters.

The Heart of Awamayu

Awamayu would not exist without the love and dedication that pours from every individual in our tight-knit family. We join together with our Quechua brothers and sisters to weave the vibrant, intercultural tapestry of Awamayu.


Upcoming Journeys

Our journeys offer an opportunity to nourish our connection to Pacha Mama, to learn from the wisdom of the plants, and to join together in the rituals of Peruvian indigenous traditions through ceremony, plant medicine journeys, authentic connection, ancient traditions, art, language, architecture, and food. But most of all, we experience this connection by simply being here. The medicine lives in every breath.


MARCH 1-10, 2024

Return to the Womb: Women’s Retreat

Join us in the Sacred Valley of Peru on a 10-day journey of self-discovery and healing with two powerful visionary sacred plant medicines of Peru: Ayahuasca & Wachuma (San Pedro cactus).

Where the Amazon meets the Andes, we invite you to come back into connection with what is ours; with the medicine that lives within us, and all around us. Together, we will explore the power of authentic expression, being in right relationship with the natural world, building community, and continuing to weave the sacred sisterhood connection.

This is a journey of returning home, of remembering our true essence, our innate wholeness, and our inherent belonging.

Journey with us.