About Wachuma (San Pedro Cactus)

“To drink the medicine is like having a mirror held directly in front of one’s face, and to see reflected therein the energetic status of one’s Self in the minutest detail, like an unraveling of one’s cultural programming.”


Healing with Wachuma

San Pedro (or Huachuma/Wachuma in Quechua) is a cactus native to the Andes, and it has been used for more than 3,000 years in Andean traditional medicine. Containing the psychoactive substance mescaline, it is regarded as a healing plant and a profoundly transformative and visionary plant medicine. Its medicinal use continues into contemporary times here in Peru, where such traditional use is both respected and legal.

Known as “Grandfather Medicine,” Wachuma embodies that very energy; a heart-centered, nurturing masculine spirit. It is said that Ayahuasca often feels like a download from the Cosmos, whereas Wachuma feels like an upload from the Earth. It shows you your place in the world, our Great Mother Earth.

Also known as “the medicine of the heart,” Wachuma helps us address imbalances between our head and heart spaces, as well as emotional and energetic disturbances, to allow us the opportunity of dismantling self-limiting beliefs and transmuting our blockages into openings for healing.

This medicine has the potential to be a powerful transformative tool in the right set and setting. As a heart medicine, one is encouraged not to spend too much time in the realm of the mind, trying to figure things out, but rather to ‘feel’ into the experience and to let go of those points of tension in the body, perhaps remnants of past emotional traumas, and redundant modes of thinking and behavior that clearly do not serve us. It can help to release old non-supportive storylines and make space for a new, enlivened, and more meaningful relationship; with one’s Self, the persons around us, and with the sentience of the very planet that supports us.


An intentional preparation before a San Pedro ceremony can support your journey and change the nature and quality of your experience.

Before meeting the medicine of San Pedro it is beneficial to clean your diet. Unlike Ayahuasca, San Pedro does not have as many food restrictions, however it is recommended to prepare yourself with as clean a diet as possible. Avoid pork, alcohol, excessive sweets and fats, processed foods, caffeine and recreational drugs (including cannabis). A clean healthy diet is recommended, with lots of whole foods and fresh fruits and vegetables.

Setting an intention can be an important aspect of working with San Pedro. Intention is different from expectation; an intention is an openness and willingness to ask for help in moving towards a certain direction without being anticipatory. Every ceremony is unique to each individual, so it is recommended not to have any expectations but rather being open to receive whatever the medicine brings.

We encourage our guests to take advantage of the time leading up to the ceremony to delve deeper into the retreat preparation process by engaging in any/all of the following: exercise, yoga, journaling, meditation, intention setting, spending time in nature, expression through art, inspirational reading, and doing a “technology” dieta.

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • The Wachuma brew is made with one ingredient only: San Pedro Cactus (Echinopsis pachanoi).

  • While there are several known medications that conflict with Ayahuasca, San Pedro has no recorded contraindications. However, please directly inquire with us regarding any medications you are taking so we can let you know if they will need to be eliminated before the retreat and we will give you an appropriate protocol to come off safely.

    Please be sure to notify us of any changes of medication use that may be different that was is stated in your application.

  • We are open to accepting people with previous psychological conditions as we believe most conditions are treatable, but we would first need to speak with you to get clarity on your medical background, your current situation, and your intentions.

  • A ceremony usually lasts 8-12+ hours, sometimes extending well into the night. The effects of the medicine begin to take effect within the hour, and there is a slow rise and fall progression throughout the duration.

  • You can wear anything which you feel comfortable outside. We recommend bringing a set of extra warm clothes as it can get chilly at night.

*Information was largely derived from Hummingbird Retreat’s website, a retreat center located in the Sacred Valley of Peru that we deeply love and trust as a team and have intimately worked with. They have excellent resources and information if you are looking for more information. You can also ask us directly for more helpful resources and we would be happy to provide you with additional reading material. We always encourage guests to do their own unbiased research in addition to what we are providing.